Formatting saw FP 300

Formatting saw FP 300 is historically the best-selling model of our formatting saws. It uses advanced technical solutions from the FP 315 model while still maintaining its compact dimensions. It is designed for medium-sized operations with all-day occupancy. The saw is manufactured with 2500, 2000- and 1600-mm formatting tables. The precision pre-cutting unit is powered from the main shaft drive but is completely independently adjustable. The spindle is height-adjustable and is guided by a pair of lifting columns. With a 4-kW motor, it transmits the power of a pair of V-belts. The machine unit is suspended on crescents, which always ensures the same axis of the saw blade relative to the tables. The extendable support arm is based on the FP 315 model and is therefore designed for much higher loads. The formatting table moves on a ball system on hardened tapes. Thanks to this system, it is completely serviceable, which prolongs its service life several times over.

- drive unit with 4kW motor

- adjustable scoring unit

- longitudinal ruler with micro feed

- maximum wheel diameter of 300mm

- formatting table on rolls

- tilting the saw blade 90-45°

Working height of the saw table 890 mm
Work table size 1330×1000 mm
Formatting table size 320×1600/2000/2500mm
Side frame size 1000 (1250)x600 mm
Max. saw blade diameter 300 mm
Clamping diameter of the saw blade 30 mm
Diameter of scoring saw blade 120 mm
Clamping diameter of scoring saw blade 20 mm
Spindle speed 4685 rpm
Scoring unit speed 9370 rpm
Tilting the saw blade 90° – 45°
Saw cut with 250 mm blade 90 mm
Saw cut when tilted 45° 65 mm
Cutting length 2000/2500/3000 mm
Max. cutting width 775 mm
Diameter of the main suction nozzle 100 mm
Weight 340 Kg
3×400 V, 50 Hz 4 kW
Speed 2860 rpm

Formatting saw FP300 / 1600 4kW CE

formatting table length of 1600mm
131 456 including VAT
  • Suitable for a small workshop
  • Can be customized according to the customer's ideas

Formatting saw FP300 / 2000 4kW CE

formatting table length of 2000mm
133 717 including VAT
  • Suitable for a medium workshop.
  • Can be customized according to the customer's ideas

Formatting saw FP300 / 2500 4kW CE

formatting table length of 2500mm
134 880 including VAT
  • Suitable for a larger workshop
  • Can be customized according to the customer's ideas